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Ibis in Slicer
Key Investigators
- Étienne Léger (Montréal Neurological Institute and Hopital, Canada)
- Houssem Eddine Gueziri (Montréal Neurological Institute and Hopital, Canada)
- Simon Drouin (École de technologie supérieur, Montréal, Canada)
Project Description
Continuing the trend set in the GPU Rigid Registration project, the purpose of this project is to port functionalities from the Ibis Neuronav platform to 3D Slicer to increase compatibility between the two systems. During this week, we will focus on the HardwareModule of Ibis, which handles reading hardware set configuration files and creating scene objects and OpenIGTLink connectors accordingly.
- Final Objective. Be able to read Ibis configuration files from Slicer to produce an equivalent scene.
Approach and Plan
- Assess which classes need to be ported.
- Port/wrap/reimplement necessary components.
- Test
- Created repository, Ibis extension (to also harbor more eventual ports (next Project Week!)) and loadable IbisHarwareModule
- Defined approach
- Started implementation
Background and References