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Tool Framework for react-vtkjs-viewport.

Key Investigators


The react-vtkjs-viewport library is a wrapper around vtk.js with the idea that it should become a really simple way to get quickly get past the boilerplate required to use vtk-js in a react application. There have been improvements to loading, rendering and segmentation display, but an extensible tool framework in the vein of cornerstoneTools is severly lacking.


Clear objectives:

Open questions:

Approach and Plan

  1. Discuss the above open questions.
  2. Work on the clear objectives.
  3. Work on any objectives derived from (1.).

Progress and Next Steps


  1. Prior to this week we had one interactor style called vtkInteractorStyleMPRSlice with hard-coded key bindings. Two classes inherited from this class and overrode some functionality: vtkInteractorStyleMPRRotate and vtkInteractorStyleMPRCrosshairs. These classes were non extensible.
  2. Refactor all common private functionality to a base class vtkjsToolsBaseInteractorStyle.
  3. Refactor each seperate “tool” into a manipulator that can easily be registered to any binding of the interactorStyle.
    • vtkjsToolsMPRPanManipulator
    • vtkjsToolsMPRRotateManipulator
    • vtkjsToolsMPRScrollManipulator
    • vtkjsToolsMPRWindowLevelManipulator
    • vtkjsToolsMPRZoomManipulator
  4. Make appropriate events fire to an eventWindow on the viewport. The eventWindow can be interacted with internally or accessed through the react-vtkjs-viewport’s API, allowing a parent application to consume and react to these events.
  5. Most importantly an imageRendered event is fired when the viewport changes in a way that means the theoretical annotation layer (TBC) knows when to trigger an update.

  6. Also fixed a texture generation issue on painting segmentations in 3D in apps sharing data between cornerstone and vtkjs. https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/pull/1167

Next Steps:

  1. Build an event dispatcher to call re-render events on any SVG annotations introduced by widgets.
  2. Tie svg widgets to specific manipualtors, building an analog to BaseAnnotationTool from cornerstoneTools.
  3. Reimplement crosshairs as a manipulator + svgWidget pair as the first example of the above.



The tool loadouts can be switched by instantiating an interactorStyle with a new loadout, in the example:

// Layout 1:
const istyle = vtkjsToolsInteractorStyleManipulator.newInstance({
  manipulators: [
      vtkManipulatorMixin: vtkMPRWindowLevelManipulatorMixin,
      configuration: { button: 1 },
      vtkManipulatorMixin: vtkMPRPanManipulatorMixin,
      configuration: { button: 2 },
      vtkManipulatorMixin: vtkMPRZoomManipulatorMixin,
      configuration: { button: 3 },
      vtkManipulatorMixin: vtkMPRScrollManipulatorMixin,
      configuration: {
        scrollEnabled: true,
        dragEnabled: false,

api.setInteractorStyle({ istyle });
// Layout 2
const istyle = vtkjsToolsInteractorStyleManipulator.newInstance({
  manipulators: [
      vtkManipulatorMixin: vtkMPRRotateManipulatorMixin,
      configuration: { button: 1 },
      vtkManipulatorMixin: vtkMPRScrollManipulatorMixin,
      configuration: {
        scrollEnabled: true,
        dragEnabled: false,

api.setInteractorStyle({ istyle });

Background and References